Morning Sun Publisher Bob Yanosey pays tribute to NYC's company
photographer Ed Nowak. After a brief
description of Ed's career, we tour the property through gorgeous color images
preserved on 4x5" negatives taken during the late 1940's and all of the 50's,
when color film was a rarity. The tour
includes Hudsons, PA's, Mohawks, passenger equipment and employees. All are captioned by the man who took them. Reproduction is very good, but be aware that in
a few cases, the film's emulsion shifted a bit over the years. When this happens, the image appears a bit "fuzzy",
and the colors look faded.
Ed took lots of "in service" photos during his travels all over
the NYC System. He also took "official" (staged)
photos of new, pristine equipment and services.
Ed's photos found their way into NYC annual reports, Life magazine,
newspapers, and art studios throughout the country.
NYC Color Photography of Ed Nowak, Book III is the concluding
book in a classic series. As NYC's
official photographer, Ed visits Grand Central, the West Shore, the Hudson
Division, the huge hump yards at DeWitt, Collinwood (Cleveland) and much more.
See the Central once again in its finest hour.
Morning Sun Books, hardcover in horizontal format,
printed in China, copyright 1993, 128 pgs., 11 x 8.5 x .5 in., abt. 150 large photos
with captions. NYCSHS members who are signed into their accounts will
enjoy pricing 18% off retail; Ohio residents must add 8% sales tax.